Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Welcome to another blog.....

Dear Silver Sachems:

Here is another attempt at the blog- thing.

Please feel free to post a message and we will try to circulate the links and instructions.



Pavlik #42 said...

I just wanted to apologize to everyone for my lack of BIG GAME experience (OK, so I have no experience). No surprise, I'm learning. And, I appreciate you guys for even allowing me to put on the Silver Sachems uniform. Despite my somewhat embarassing play at times, I LOVE this game and I think I'm beginning to figure out a few things (like how to catch the ball). Eventually, I'm hoping I'll be able to make a pass or to pick up a ground ball without going OB.

So, I appreciate you sticking with me, and I know I'm gonna eventually be able to contribute something. Actually, next round at Emma's is on me!

-Jim Pavlik #42

Blue Deville said...

Hey Jim: there's nothing to apologize for! The reality of the game is that, at some level, we're all rookies (in a sense) -it's all relative to whom we're playing with or against.

For everyone still learning the basics of individual play, the common remedy here is wall-ball; find a wall and work it everyday you can -even if just for 20 minutes. It's the guaranteed quickest way to improve and gain competence. A good routine that I still use (particularly for about a month or so prior to the start of the summer season) is this:
- 100 tosses right hand
- 100 tosses left hand
- 50 tossing-reps switching hands each throw after catching off the wall (in other words, throw w/RH, catch w/RH, then switch to LH and do the same). That's one rep; now do 49 more.

Add your own innovations, but whatever they are, make them routine and repetitious so that you develop muscle-memory.


Eddie said...

I just want to echo what Jim said. The help and assistance that has been given to me has been very helpful. Pointers on the proper way to throw, down to why I was called for an on field infraction have been very informative. I will continue to try to learn the game. Every hint that anybody can give to me will be appreciated. Thank you to everybody on the team for accepting me as part of the squad.

shaun said...

HAving coached for 24 years I am much better suited to instruct than play, I will be happy to play catch and work on some fundementals prior to the next game. Just let me know. Purely a do as I say not as I do kind of thing.

MarkS said...

There is outstanding support on this team. I was way off (like, way worse than usual) on Tuesday but still didn't get any crap from anyone. On the contrary, the guys who were running in the first lines and pulling way more than their own weight were keeping the team pumped. It makes you work harder, you know?

- Mark S

notz said...

I would like to echo what Shaun said. I would be happy to work with anyone before games on any thing. I too have been coaching for a while--maybe not 24 years, but almost.

It is great to see the tolerance level on this team. It is an aspect of the game that was important to the Native Americans--everyone contributes. As long as a player is playing hard and putting in effort there will be a place for him.

One of the best ways any new player can contribute to any team is by getting the ground balls. Most of the time working harder than your opponent will get you the gb.

I only want to mention one other thing. WATER, WATER, WATER. It is key to hydrate the day before and the day of games.

See you all Tuesday

shaun said...

a Great day to play the game. Let's win the battle for GB's, face-offs,Fast breaks, EMO, hustle and Fun.